Registrations for 2025 are now open!

Registration is completed on the Football Australia portal. Football Australia have implemented a new system for 2025. You will see that this new platform looks different. 

Registration process

After you have successfully registered on the Football Australia system and paid, the status will go to pending approval. You will receive an email to let you know it is pending approval. This is normal. The registration details will come to Auburn FC and our club registrar will review and approve the registration. Once approved, you will then receive another email to let you know that the registration has been approved.

First time registering?

You will need to create an account if this is the first time you are registering for a club. Click on the register button on this page. You will be given an option to login (if you have registered in previous years) or create a new account. 

Registered with Football Australia before?

If you have registered in previous years, you should be able to search for your existing record. You may need your FFA (Football Federation Australia) ID. Check your emails as you would have received this in email when registering in previous years. 

Registering your child?

The parent and the child need an account in the Football Australia system. As the parent, you should create your account first. Then when you select the age group to register for, you will be asked if you are registering yourself or somebody else. Select somebody else and then enter the details of your child. 

Which age group should I select for my child?

This is calculated based on the age your child will be turning before the end of the year. For example, let’s say your child is 8 years old right now and will be turning 9 in July. You should select the “ages 9-12” option as your child will be playing in Under 9 team. 

Registration payments

Registration payments are now completed online within the Football Australia system. You can pay online using a debit or credit card. 

Need help?

You can use the help and support options from Football Australia in case you have any issues with your account or registering (Support : playfootball).

We are also available to help you. Use the contact us section on our website to get in contact with us (Contact Us – Auburn FC).

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the 2025 season!

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A member of our team will be in contact with you soon.